Elderly's feeding and nutrition
During old age anatomo-physiological changes are presented in the different devices and systems, as well as various diseases in aging that, together with their habits and eating habits acquired over many years, may be an obstacle to the satisfaction of the need of food and nutrition. So, the nurse must be attentive to the manifestations of health problems, also called ‘Nursing diagnoses’ in the feeding needs and nutrition that occur more frequently to guide aging people to improve their nutrition and nutrition. In the course of this topic, first in the reading ability the necessary information is presented so that the student can structure the nursing diagnosis of Nutritional Imbalance: Overweight ‘. Then, in the ability to listen, the audio is presented, from which information is obtained to structure the nursing diagnosis of ‘Nutritional imbalance: Less than the bodily needs’. Subsequently, for the ability to write, different statements related to the procedures and scales are provided, from which the student describes the importance of each of them in the assessment of the feeding needs and nutrition. Finally, to encourage the student to speak, different questions are posed, from which he will express his knowledge and experiences about what he should teach the aging person and his family to improve the nutrition and feeding (AM).
Identify related factors with nutrition needs, based on clinical assessment and nursing diagnosis of nutritional imbalance, for the adequate training on health nutrition to elder adults.