1. Frederic has always been a vagabond
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False: He said: “Of course, I haven’t always been a vagabond.” Which means he used to have a house and a job.
2. He has never had a family.
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False: He said: “I was born in a traditional family. It was my mom and dad, my older brother and I. My life was tough as a child but I was happy… you know I had exactly what I needed: a family, a house and food.” Which means he has had a family.
3. He had a happy childhood
True: When he was a little boy he was happy.
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4. He became an administrator.
True: He literally said: “I became an administrator.”
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5. He has had good money.
True: He said: “I started making good money. Maybe more than you think.”
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6. He has never been loyal to anybody.
True: He said: “I started making good money. Maybe more than you think.”
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7. He was always a good husband.
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False: “I stopped helping her (his wife). I left her alone with her pregnancy; I never helped her with doctors or hospitals. I was too busy dating other girls I didn’t care about. My son was born… It was a boy! I have always wanted to have a baby boy and now it was real. That didn’t make me react though, you know, I was a womanizer!” Which means he was not good at his wife.
8. He has always looked after his son.
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False: "I thought that was a woman’s work (taking care of a baby). I slept during night and went to party during the day. My wife would have to take care of the baby." Which means he was not dedicated to his son.
9. He tried to recover his wife and son.
True: He said: "I actually missed my wife. I tried to get back with my ex-wife (of course she shut the door on my nose)”
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10. He lost his job because he had problems with a woman.
True: He said: “I tried to get back with my ex-wife (of course she shut the door on my nose), my current girlfriend found out about this and she got me in a trouble that made me lose my job, my business and my clients. I lost the apartment and moved with some friends.”
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11. He has never had temporary jobs.
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False: He said: “One day I saw myself there… sleeping on a bench in a park. Getting temporary jobs that help me get money for food, moving from one place to another.”
12. He has liked been a vagabond
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False: He said: “My dream is then, to let you know that, in my case, mistakes are expensive; you know exactly when you make them and you do nothing to avoid them. That is the worst mistake ever! Be a wanderer by choice!” This means being a wanderer has been a punishment for him.
13. He thinks everybody could become a vagabond.
True: He said: “My dream is to let you know vagabonds like me, were people like you once. My dream is to let you know we all make mistakes and mistakes are sometimes too expensive.”
IRead it again and try!
14. He has known when he is making a mistake.
True: He said: “My dream is then, to let you know that, in my case, mistakes are expensive; you know exactly when you make them and you do nothing to avoid them. That is the worst mistake ever!” That means he has known when he is making a mistake.
Read it again and try!
15. He recommends us to be a wanderer by choice.
True: He said: “My dream is then, to let you know that, in my case, mistakes are expensive; you know exactly when you make them and you do nothing to avoid them. That is the worst mistake ever!” That means he has known when he is making a mistake.
Read it again and try!