
Who are they?

A: Is this your pet? What’s its name?
B: Goofy.
A: Oh, is a beautiful dog!

Great! The pronoun it replaces the dog.Wrong! Check that in this sentence the subject is a dog. The right pronoun is: it.

A: Who is he?
B: He is my friend Edgar. are classmates.

Great! In this context the pronoun we refers to two people.Wrong! Check the information that appears after the space. It refers to two people who study together.

A: This is Vicky. is my best friend.
B: Nice to meet you Vicky.

Excellent! She is the pronoun that replaces Vicky.Sorry! In this dialogue a person is introducing a woman: Vicky.

A: Where is Tony from?
B: is from England.

Good! He is the right pronoun that substitutes Tony.Sorry! Check that Tony is a man, please use a singular pronoun that refers to a man.

A: Where is Charlie?
B: is in the library.

Very good! The right pronoun that substitutes Charlie is: he.Wrong! Please use a singular pronoun that substitutes Charlie.

A: When’s your birthday?
B: is on November 25th .

Excellent! You have used the right pronoun that refers to a birthday.Sorry! It is necessary to use a singular pronoun that substitutes a thing: birthday.

A: Are your parents from Puebla?
B: No, they aren’t. are from Hidalgo.

Right answer! The pronoun they refers to your parents.Wrong! In this dialogue it is necessary a plural pronoun that replaces: your parents.

A: Are you my Math teacher?
B: Yes, am.

Very good! In the dialogue the person answers using the first pronoun: I.Wrong! Check that the Math teacher is who answers, please use the first pronoun.

A: Who are they?
B: are my parents.

Excellent! That pronoun refers to: my parents.Sorry! Please use a plural pronoun that can substitute: my parents.

A: Are you 18 years old?
B: No, I’m not. am 17 years old.

Excellent! A person answers the question by using the first subject pronoun.Wrong! It is necessary to use the first personal pronoun.